Call for Nominations

The SIGBED Research Highlights Nomination (RHN) sub-committee selects papers for consideration in the Communications of the ACM (CACM) Research Highlights (

The chair or co-chairs of  the SIGBED RHN sub-committee is appointed by the SIGBED Chair for two year term.  Annually, the chair(s) of the RHN committee will appoint other committee members to help with the selection process.

1. Selection Process

There are three paths to recommend a paper to the SIGBED RHN sub-committee.

Method 1. Best paper award winners, best student paper award winners, and the papers nominated for these awards from the past 3 years of SIGBED (co-)sponsored conferences are eligible to be recommended.

  • ESWeek (including EMSOFT, CODES+ISSS, CASES)
  • CPSWeek (including ICCPS, RTAS, IPSN, HSCC, IoTDI)
  • SenSys

The recommended papers should be regular technical papers, i.e., not invited papers or short papers. The PC chair(s) of the conference are to recommend the paper(s). Each recommendation should be accompanied by a short nomination letter (1 page) highlighting the technical strengths, novelty, and the impact of the work.

The conference PC chair(s) can optionally attach the original reviews of the paper to the nomination letter to help the nomination process. In this case, the PC chair(s) should anonymize the reviews and obtain permission from the authors of the recommended paper on sharing review materials with the RHN sub-committee. To facilitate this process, we encourage adding a statement in CFP and TPC invitation letters that accepted papers and reviews may be shared with the SIGBED RHN sub-committee for nominations to CACM Research Highlights.

Method 2. Accepted papers from top conferences that cover embedded systems but are outside the above list can be recommended directly by PC chairs or SIGBED members/officers in the PC. For example:

  • RTSS
  • CAV

The rules for Method 1 also apply in this case.

Method 3. Recommendations from any SIGBED members

  • SIGBED members can recommend exceptional research papers that are published at venues outside of the above conferences, with a short justification of why the paper should be considered for nomination.
  • Each recommendation should be accompanied by the following:
    • Paper coordinates (title, authors, original publication venue, URL)
    • Contact information (email addresses and institutions) of authors
    • Suggested reviewers and potential Technical Perspective writers
    • Short (1-2 paragraphs) justification that addresses CACM-RH publication criteria

2. Timeline

The sub-committee meets to discuss recommended papers and makes a selection twice a year, tentatively in January and July. External expert opinions may be solicited by the sub-committee and this may affect the proposed timeline.

3. Conflict of Interest

  • Authors are not allowed to nominate their own papers. This rule also applies to SIGBED EC members and PC chairs.
  • The RHN sub-committee members may not participate in the discussion of a paper that has a conflict of interest.
  • The selection procedure will follow the ACM Code of Ethics guidelines: