SIGBED-SIGSOFT Frank Anger Memorial Award 2022
Call for ApplicationsThe Frank Anger Memorial Award is a student award in the name of the late Dr. Frank Anger that promotes cross-disciplinary research between embedded systems and software engineering. We are now soliciting applications from qualified students in the SIGBED community for the 2022 award.
To qualify for the award, the student must be:
- a member of SIGBED (how to join);
- an author on a paper accepted for presentation at a SIGBED-sponsored conference in 2021 or 2022, i.e. LCTES, CHASE, ESWEEK, SENSYS, MEMOCODE, CPS-IoT WEEK (including HSCC and IoTDI);
- undertaking research in embedded systems in a graduate program in an accredited college or university at the time of the paper’s presentation.
SIGBED Award Recipients
2022: Claudio Mandrioli (Lund University)
2021: Akshay Gadre (Carnegie Mellon University)
2020: Adeola Bannis (Carnegie Mellon University)
2012: Indranil Saha (University of California, Los Angeles)
2011: Mohamed A. Bamakhrama (Leiden University) and Miroslav Pajic (University of Pennsylvania)
2009: Timothy Hnat (University of Virginia)
2008: Georgios Fainekos (University of Pennsylvania)
2007: Gabor Madl (University of California, Irvine)
2006: Bernhard Egger (Seoul National University), Cesar Sanchez (Stanford University)
SIGSOFT Award Recipients
2021: Sumaya Almanee (UC Irvine)
2019: Jacob Krüger
2017: Ivan Ruchkin (Carnegie Mellon University)
2013: Reinhard Schneider (TU Munich)
2011: Aldeida Aleti (Swinburne University of Technology)
2008: Basil Becker (University of Potsdam)
2007: Stefan Henkler (University of Paderborn) and Chunyang Ye (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Application Process
An application should consist of the following documents:
- An up-to-date curriculum vitae or resume, listing the student’s relevant publications (up to 2 pages);
- A synopsis of original research that the student is pursuing, with pointers to at least one publication at a SIGBED-sponsored conference in 2021 or 2022 (up to 2 pages);
- A proposal to attend a SIGSOFT conference (see in which the student discusses the potential for crossover in ideas between the student’s current research and research in software engineering (up to 1 page);
- A support letter from the student’s research advisor, confirming that the student is in good standing and is pursuing the research described in the proposal. Additional comments on the student’s capabilities and potential in cross-disciplinary research between embedded systems and software engineering are recommended.
The application should be submitted in an email to Nan Guan ( with the subject “Application for ACM SIGBED Frank Anger Memorial Award 2022”. The email should include the CV, the research synopsis, and the research proposal as a single pdf file, and it should contain the name and email address of the applicant’s research advisor. The applicant’s research advisor should send the support letter directly to the chair of the award selection committee, in an email with the same subject.
Application Deadline
To ensure full consideration, please submit your application by:
October 31, 2022.
However, applications may be accepted until a final decision is made.
Selection Process
The winner of the SIGBED Frank Anger Memorial Award will be selected by an award selection committee based on the student’s research record and relevance to the cross-disciplinary spirit of the award. The award will be announced on the SIGBED Website. The award consists of a certificate and up to $2,000 to cover the student’s expenses to attend the chosen SIGSOFT conference during the following year. Funding for the award is provided by ACM SIGBED.
2022 Award Selection Committee
- Nan Guan, City University of Hong Kong (Chair)
- Sanjoy Baruah, Washington University in St. Louis
- Tulika Mitra, National University of Singapore
- Claire Pagetti, ORENA
- Aviral Shrivastava, Arizona State University
- Lothar Thiele, ETH Zurich
- Wang Yi, Uppsala University