Post by: Fanxin Kong in Awards Call for Nominations Travel Grants
SIGBED is introducing a new program to recognize promising young scholars with an interest in the Internet of Things, embedded systems, or cyber-physical systems. The progam is open to students of Computer Science or Computer Engineering currently enrolled in an undergraduate program, or who have received their Bachelor’s degree in 2019. No prior research work in the area is required.
Post by: Fanxin Kong in Awards Call for Nominations
ACM SIGBED in 2017 established the Early Career Researcher Award to recognize contributions by junior researchers in the area of embedded, real-time, and cyber-physical systems. We now encourage SIGBED community members to nominate researchers for the 2022 award.
Post by: Fanxin Kong in Awards Call for Nominations
The Frank Anger Memorial Award is a student award in the name of late Dr. Frank Anger to promote cross-disciplinary research between embedded systems and software engineering. SIGBED solicits applications from qualified student members. The submission deadline is usually end of August each year and will be distributed to all SIGBED members well in advance.
Post by: sigbedadmin in Call for Nominations
The SIGBED Research Highlights Nomination (RHN) sub-committee selects papers for consideration in the Communications of the ACM (CACM) Research Highlights ( The chair or co-chairs of the SIGBED RHN sub-committee is appointed by the SIGBED Chair for two year term. Annually, the chair(s) of the RHN committee will appoint other committee members to help with the selection process. 1. Selection…