Post by: Edward Lee in SIGBED Blog
Unlike most disciplines, in Computer Science, conference publications dominate over journals, and program committees carry out the bulk of the peer reviewing. Serving on a PC is a yeoman’s service, and the community owes them a debt of gratitude. However, I believe that a toxic culture has emerged. This blog is a call for PCs to change their priorities. We…
Post by: Edward Lee in SIGBED Blog
For most of my professional research career, I have sought more deterministic mechanisms for solving various engineering problems. My focus has always been on systems that combine the clean and neat world of computation with the messy and unpredictable physical world (cyber-physical systems). Given the messiness and unpredictability of the real world, why the obsession with determinism1? An argument that…
Post by: Edward Lee in SIGBED Blog
I am an engineer. I design things that never before existed. For me, these “things” are mostly software, although I have in the past also designed some hardware. For most of my 40 years doing this, I harbored a creationist illusion that these “things” were my own personal progeny...