Post by: sigbedadmin in SIGBED Blog
CPS Rising Star Workshop Poster Session SIGBED was proud to sponsor the Second Annual CPS Rising Stars Workshop hosted by the University of Virginia on May 31, 2023. Executive Committee member, Wanli Chang, represented SIGBED and delivered a welcome talk. Thirty-four Rising Stars were selected from a competitive applicant pool of 117. The workshop also exceeded its aim to increase…

Post by: sigbedadmin in SIGBED Blog
Copyright free image from Pixabay.com The second Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) Rising Stars Workshop, which is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, will be held at the University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA) on May 31, 2023. This workshop aims to identify and mentor outstanding PhD students and postdocs who are interested in pursuing academic careers in CPS related areas. It…

Post by: sigbedadmin in Awards Call for Nominations
ACM SIGBED in 2017 established the Early Career Researcher Award to recognize contributions by junior researchers in the area of embedded, real-time, and cyber-physical systems. We now encourage SIGBED community members to nominate researchers for the 2022 award.

Post by: sigbedadmin in Awards Call for Nominations
ACM SIGBED established the Distinguished Leadership Award in 2022 to recognize individuals who have exemplary and substantive leadership in leading and implementing activities over the communities relevant to SIGBED, such as those over embedded, real-time, and cyber-physical systems at regional, national, and/or international level.

Post by: sigbedadmin in Awards Call for Nominations
ACM SIGBED established the Technical Achievement Award in 2022 to recognize significant and sustained contributions to research and/or system implementations relevance to SIGBED, such as those over embedded, real-time, and cyber-physical systems. The award is based on the impacts of the research and/or system implementations made by the awardee throughout the lifetime. It consists of a plaque and a citation.

Post by: sigbedadmin in Awards Call for Nominations
The SIGBED Paul Caspi Memorial Dissertation Award was established in 2013. The award recognizes outstanding doctoral dissertations that significantly advance the state of the art in the science of embedded systems, in the spirit and legacy of Dr. Paul Caspi’s work.

Post by: sigbedadmin in Awards Call for Nominations
The Frank Anger Memorial Award is a student award in the name of late Dr. Frank Anger to promote cross-disciplinary research between embedded systems and software engineering. SIGBED solicits applications from qualified student members. The submission deadline is usually end of August each year and will be distributed to all SIGBED members well in advance.

Post by: sigbedadmin in Awards Call for Nominations
ACM SIGBED in 2017 established the Early Career Researcher Award to recognize contributions by junior researchers in the area of embedded, real-time, and cyber-physical systems. We now encourage SIGBED community members to nominate researchers for the 2021 award.

Post by: sigbedadmin in Awards Call for Nominations
The SIGBED Paul Caspi Memorial Dissertation Award was established in 2013. The award recognizes outstanding doctoral dissertations that significantly advance the state of the art in the science of embedded systems, in the spirit and legacy of Dr. Paul Caspi’s work.

Post by: sigbedadmin in Awards Call for Papers
For the second time in 2020, the SIGBED community invites participation in the ACM Student Research Competition (SRC). This year the event will be held entirely online. Sponsored by ACM and Microsoft Research, the SRC is a forum for undergraduates and graduate students to share their research results, exchange ideas, and improve their communication skills while competing for prizes.