ACM SIGBED Student Research Competition 2019

This year for the first time, the Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK) invited participation in the ACM Student Research Competition (SRC). Sponsored by ACM and Microsoft Research, the SRC is a forum for undergraduates and graduate students to share their research results, exchange ideas, and improve their communication skills while competing for prizes.

SIGBED Paul Caspi Memorial Dissertation Award

The SIGBED Paul Caspi Memorial Dissertation Award was established in 2013. The award recognizes outstanding doctoral dissertations that significantly advance the state of the art in the science of embedded systems, in the spirit and legacy of Dr. Paul Caspi’s work.

SIGBED EMSOFT Best Paper Award

The SIGBED EMSOFT Best Paper Award will be presented to the individual(s) judged by the award committee to have written the best paper appearing in the EMSOFT conference proceedings. The selection criteria are the scientific quality of the paper and the exposition of the ideas. The award will be presented during ESWEEK.

SIGBED Frank Anger Memorial Award 2019

The Frank Anger Memorial Award is a student award in the name of late Dr. Frank Anger to promote cross-disciplinary research between embedded systems and software engineering. SIGBED solicits applications from qualified student members. The submission deadline is usually end of August each year and will be distributed to all SIGBED members well in advance.